Between You and Me!

Thursday, July 14, 2005

No room for LEFT !!

is bound to become one of the biggest consumer markets in the near future. It is imperative to plan our future policies with care and caution. Our reliance on computers for day to day activities is bound to rise exponentially. It is not long before most of our home appliances get integrated with a PC. New Technology is going to create a whole new repertoire of products. Yes, we all know that technology is will obviously generate new applications and products.

India has really proven itself in the services sector. We have out beaten china so far. China with their strong manufacturing base can easily compete with indian firms in the near future. The Chinese govt. though is a part of the elite left, is bullish about disinvestment of state owned firms. Recently Bank of America has taken over 9% of China construction bank, and many more such companies in the queue for taking. But the Left’s sitting in india are doing the exact opposite of what is considered sane.

Disinvestment is good for any organization, especially for indian public sector companies, as they lack aggression and ambition to compete with the best. When an investor takes over a firm or buys a part of it, he does it with the sole goal of earning profits for the money put in. There will always be this pressure on the company to perform well, increase efficiency, increase profitability and increase its value on the secondary markets. This will drive company’s growth, increase competitiveness- finally india is going to gain a lot, in the form of increased revenue from taxes, increase in direct and indirect employment, and the initial capital the government gets when selling public firms. It’s a lot of money that the govt. can put to very effective use to improve indian infrastructure.

I am sure we are going to have a lot of mid air accidents in india if we are not going to update our airport technologies and infrastructure. Good airport infrastructure is going to create room for increase in air traffic, which again translates into more money, honey!

Why cant the left see such obvious things. We must admit, india has moved a long way from socialistic economy, and now to slow down our transformation to a capitalistic economy, clearly indicates the lack of vision. If we try and ask the question, why is the LEFT against privatization? Simple, the answer is again the heart of vote politics. Who are the people Left is advertising too? It’s obviously out of the fear of loosing its hand over trade unions and labor unions in public sector firms. Trade, labor union’s members form the major constituent of LEFTS electoral vote bank. By privatization left has a feeling that lot of them (working people) will be thrown out of their jobs (obvious, public sector firms are over sized ) more blue collar jobs will be replaced with white collar jobs.

If the left is really dam concerned about these people it should act like a cushion for the people thrown out of jobs, and guide them to other opportunities, train them with newer skills or help them to start their own small business. This way LEFT can build a good brand image with the younger generation.

But if these oldies stick with their old ways of thinking , I am sure they are going to get kicked out of the UPA. Change or perish!! Atleast imitate China’s left…Or shut up and Sit down.(thera number kabhi nahi ayega !! )


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